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Pier 79 is a bustling ferry terminal operated by New York Waterway on behalf of New York City. You can catch a ferry here to travel to multiple destinations in New Jersey, including Port Imperial, the dueling grounds of Vice President Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, the former Secretary of the Treasury. Interestingly, the building was built around the Lincoln Tunnel Ventilation Shaft, another of the historic resources incorporated within Hudson River Park.

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Public Art

The landscaped plaza east of the ferry terminal includes a public sculpture known as Senes. Senes was created in 1973 by native New Yorker, William Crovello, and is an abstract sculpture that consists of a formed, bent and welded stainless steel plate 3/16 inch thick. It weighs 4,100 lbs and measures eight feet eight inches high by seven feet four inches wide by ten feet eleven inches long.